Flying Nautilus {Free} Creative Mentorship

In February of 2020 I launched a {free} Creative Mentorship offering called Flying Nautilus. Since that time, I’ve literally had virtual (Zoom, mostly) sessions with close to 100 different people. Though I’ve taken down the original Flying Nautilus site, I’m absolutely still offering this service, and you can absolutely still contact me to set up an “Office Hour.” So if you’re a creative professional and should ever want some counsel (or just hear yourself talk through something), I’d be happy to offer my perspective as one who invested a lot of time and energy in the advertising game since 1994.

Vegan Coaching

As a recently certified VLCE (Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator), I can also offer vegan mentorship or coaching. I’m not a certified dietitian by any stretch, but having completed the Mainstreet Vegan Academy, and being passionate about what this comprehensive “lifestyle” is all about, I’d be happy to provide any gentle guidance that may spring to mind. Just come up with a list of questions and email me.

Set up an “Office Hour”

Whether for {free} creative mentorship or vegan coaching {for a fee}, if you want to set up an “Office Hour,” just email me directly, and we’ll work out a time to connect. Be well. Thank you.