We want to encourage the world to consider the trillions of fellow animals caught up every year in countless factory farms and ocean drag nets. To research it, bear witness to it, and decide if it feels right to support it.
The numbers and suffering are truly boggling. And it may seem impossible to change. Largely because it’s all controlled by industry. And in this world we made, “industry” will do whatever it can to protect what it thinks is important. At whatever the cost. It’s the same dynamic used by “big tobacco” for decades. Only on a far larger scale. Meat. Dairy. Fish. Eggs. Fur. Materials. Pharma. All powerful industries with powerful lobbies. All backed by government, because they’re paying the government.
But here’s the thing. We are not the collective “victim” of anything. Industry and societal norms do seem very powerful. But are they really?
At IFA, we want nothing more than to save animals and help the planet. But we know our passion will be far more effective if channelled through a lens that understands there is no “other” “out there” doing “bad.” We believe if we prioritize inner peace and practicing oneness, we are far less likely to deny our impacts. Because we are far more likely to love all “others” as ourselves. Including all non-human animals. Animals we simply do not need to consume in order to thrive. And by “consume” we mean more than “just” their flesh. We mean their secretions. Their fur. Their hides. And their very liberty as beings deserved of equal regard.
This is why we want to encourage another incredibly powerful industry - advertising - to point its influence and creativity toward teaching and promoting “unconditional kind regard” for every living thing. We come from this industry. We love commercial design. We love huge ideas that get noticed. We love the potential this industry has to make true impact. All through brilliant “ad-like objects” that still work to sell things for brands that are doing their best to not exploit animals in their supply chain. Including human animals.
So yes, we are for real. In fact, we are “for” the only thing that really is real. Love.