“PUTTING A VEGAN BALL IN PLAY” / {Brand / Culture Action}

The idea is to reach the goal of having the NBA, NFL, MLS, MLB (and others) use a vegan-leather ball (for at least one full game). Any alt-leather brand could take this and run with it (Eco Sports being one obvious choice). There are a lot of moving parts to this mission - which would be all laid out in a comprehensive strategy, but it likely starts with a loud PR splash and then continues with whatever it takes to see it through (we can help). There are certainly many challenges here, including long-standing “official ball brand” relationships. Plus, these large sports bodies earn massive sponsorship revenue from non-vegan brands, and it’s likely been attempted in the past. So unless this idea is handled with great wisdom, patience and sensitivity, it could be squelched early. However, the current cultural landscape is ripe. And by sharing this goal with the world from the get-go, the brand working to see this through can bring the world along with the progress over its social channels. Handled correctly, it’s basically a smart, over-arching marketing campaign in general, and could be a “win” no matter how it plays out. The time is right, the upsides are huge, and it’s the sports bodies who will look bad if they say no.

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