Ideas for Animals creates and makes availalbe an IFA A.I. Assistant within ChatGPT. Using “copywriting assistant instructions” from The AI Advantage to help create the custom GPT, as well as giving it knowledge from the IFA website, we intend to use this new creative assistant and continue teaching and refining its skillset. As one can see should they visit the IFA.GPT, it’s already equipped with “conversation starters.” Feel free to play with it. In our experience, from literally just two prompts, we would call it very helpful and creatively impressive (see pics). As for this particular idea for a virtual reality factory farm experience? It does appear that DXE has already thought of it, but we’re not sure it ever happened. Besides, we think it’s great. And very much worth including as an Open Source Idea. Here is what it wrote as an idea description, without any editing:

“Dive into the unseen world of factory farming with a groundbreaking Virtual Reality (VR) experience (“Behind the Factory Door”) that offers a first-person perspective of the conditions and daily lives of animals raised in industrial agriculture settings. This immersive journey is designed to bridge the gap between perception and reality, enlightening individuals about the impacts of food choices on animals, the environment, and collective conscience. Through powerful visuals and narratives, this VR exploration fosters empathy, provokes thoughtful discussion, and inspires a shift towards more compassionate and sustainable living practices. It invites users to peel back the layers of industrial farming and uncover the truth, all from the safety and comfort of a VR headset.”