Some vegans cite an apparent “hypocrisy” regarding spiritually minded folks who consume animals. But has anyone ever really dug deep and considered what “spiritual meat eaters” really think? This impartial study would investigate which spiritual disciplines encourage specific behavior regarding animal consumption. It would also interview thousands who identify as “spiritual,” setting aside judgment to survey, compile and list responses to specific questions regarding views and reasoning.

It’s a study that could be shed light, encourage dialogue, increase understanding, and raise awareness. Perhaps there are some obscure spiritual disciplines that do prescribe a vegan lifestyle as part of the practice. What are they? And what about the big religions? While some strict 7th-day adventists and Hindus are vegetarian, the world’s largest religion is mired in debate and confusion as to what Jesus would say these days on this topic. The study would make this its own section. It would also look at how consuming animals is reconciled among those who identify as “#woke” or who “practice kindness.” Just as it would also seek clarity on how those who practice “non-duality” or “oneness” view animal consumption. Buddhists? Monks? The Dali Llama? Where do they come in? An academic study using unbiased methodology could go a long way toward a widespread, deep contemplation on the role spirituality may play toward the liberation of animals. And could also become the foundation for a NY Times best seller.