Funded by a cohort of wealthy and celebrity vegans, a new but deeply experienced lobby group called “SPEAK FOR” intends to work Capitol Hill legislators full time to help even the playing field for animals. Because animal industries have more than their fair share of lobbyists, and spend millions annually to influence in ways that boggle the kind mind, SPEAK FOR is much more than just another group of well-meaning citizen lobbyists. (Don’t know what lobbyists really do? Here’s a good brush up from Politico.) In other words, SPEAK FOR will differ from activists such as the golden-hearted Thomas Ponce, and other grassroots or well-meaning dot orgs out there because it will be super-funded and comprised of true hitters from the lobbying game. Made up of some of the most experienced federal lobbyists from private interests who have found a new calling and want to now wield their skills to help innocent animals (humans included). SPEAK FOR will leverage innovative techniques, full transparency, bottomless charm, and celebrity ties – working the game to be very visible on social and traditional media - as often as possible. This is for the love of the animals, after all. Any and all legislation that might affect animal welfare – including animal-usage issues that impact the environment, or human health - is their aim. Another tactic of SPEAK FOR is to work with existing grassroots lobbyists, and provide much needed optics, dollars and new energy. SPEAK FOR does not intend to fight the system. Rather, its aim is to meet the system where it is, and use it to the advantage of the silent innocent billions.