Super simple idea: A vegan brand announces and issues a press release stating that for a certain amount of time, if you visit a farm sanctuary and send proof of your visit via your admission stub or a pic – the brand will give you 35% off your first order over $100 (or whatever amount works for them). Why would a vegan company do such a thing – when perhaps the bulk of their customers are #veganforlife as it is? For one thing, most customers simply are not #veganforlife. And for another, perhaps the company wants everyone to understand how important it is to be kind to all sentient beings. And believes (as many do) that visiting a farm sanctuary can really open one’s eyes. When you’re able to really sit and connect with a chicken, realize that pigs are super similar to dogs, experience how cows are the embodiment of peace, and see that sheep are cuteAF, it can really do wonders. Encouraging people to visit a farm sanctuary is just all around good. So why not encourage with a discount?

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