A brand or organization helps transform an existing prison into the world’s first 100% plant-based correctional facility. While this notion is simple, we also understand it’s ambitious. The effort may encounter push-back from interest-groups unaware of the myriad benefits associated with a plant-based diet. But we believe such challenges would be worth facing and surmounting in an effort to help build the world we want to see. This idea comes from love and compassion – aimed at improving the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of inmates, saving innocent animals, and helping the planet.
A brief web search reveals that the topic of what inmates consume very much captures the interest of our culture. Do a search on your own and you’ll see. Our own brief internet exploration shows there’s also a precedent for certain prisons to integrate far more thoughtful food programs, just as there’s also plenty of coverage on the need for more thoughtful food in prisons around the world.
This idea represents an incredible sponsorship opportunity for a brand (or group of brands). The courageous facility that agrees to this will need a plant-milk supplier, plant-based “meat,” plant-butter etc. For brands such as Impossible, Beyond, Oatly, NotCo, EatJust, etc – this could be an amazing way to build the brand and stand at the center of what could possibly become a significant cultural conversation. Ideally, the sole intent for any brand to be part of this would be good-will. But of course it’s true that any brand investing their time toward making this happen would absolutely want a return on that investment – and we believe this idea comes with great potential for repeated earned-media coverage. It could be paced out with the brand’s own PR control such that announcement of the initiative would be splash number one, and could be followed up with regular updates on social and mainstream media when various milestones for project-completion are met.
Perhaps most importantly to us at IFA, this idea builds on a non-dual spiritual teaching that implores us to view each and every seemingly separate being as entirely guiltless. While such beliefs are impossible for conventional thinking to comprehend, when one opens to faith and metaphysical truths and realizes that every seeming material object in “the universe” is nothing but part of a projected collective illusion, “true forgiveness” begins to become a possibility. From there, one begins to practice as much as one’s mind can remind them to shift their perception of every being. There’s much more to it, but it’s basically that simple. Whether or not one can trust and respect such an unconventional practice/belief, this idea also holds to the more widely accepted definitions of forgiveness as well. As well as basic compassion for all.