Drive through the tiny town of Dorris, CA just across the Oregon/California border on HWY 97 South, and you’ll likely notice this billboard. Upon calling up the City of Dorris (10/12/2023) to ask if they had more information on who’s behind it, not one of the sweet folks working for the town of 850 people had any idea. It truly seems to be an anonymous act. And we love this. Does it work? For those inspired by it, would its suggestion be taken to “Love” merely other people? Or might it strike a chord to include the unconditional kind regard of species beyond homo sapiens, as well? Obviously it’s impossible to say. But we applaud this random effort, and think it would make a meaningful campaign, worldwide. Perhaps the boards could entertain the addition of two other words: “All Animals.” It could also include a QR code taking folks to a simple website that might say more and/or inspire us to contemplate the “capital-L, ineffable meaning” of the L-word. Which is quite possibly the most important work there could ever be. And arguably the entire reason we’re here on this dimension.