In much the same way that the annual Earth Hour unites us all in cause, the Global SynchUp (“15 Minutes to Change the World by Changing Our Mind”) is a 15-minute online event where everyone around the world is invited to contemplate/meditate on the same message at the same time. Non-denominational. Illuminating. Unjaded. How’s it work? Paid and earned media announces the event ahead of time. Appropriate brands are invited to sponsor/fund. When the World Clock deems it’s time for the event to begin, people around the globe simply tune in and listen to the guided contemplation. The entire event lasts no more than 15 minutes (perhaps less). Depending the listener’s location, the guide’s voice would be translated into the appropriate language thanks to smart tech wizardry. Certain localized physical venues can be made available as well – such as school auditoriums and community arenas – giving communities the opportunity to gather and listen and visualize actual change - together and in person. The idea works through power of the One mind we all share, whether we believe it or know it or not. It works to help all animals through the power of unified, right-minded thought for inner peace and non-violence – by understanding that each and every one of us is the same Innocent Mind.





“Thank you for being here. Welcome to the 1st annual Global SynchUp, a 15-minute guided contemplation and mediation, with a goal of unifying the One mind to change the world. My name is Morgan Freeman. I’m here to guide you through. What I’m about to read was written in collaboration with Richard Rohr, Deepak Chopra, don Miguel Ruiz, Andrew Harvey, Pope Francis, Eckhart Tolle, Rupert Spira, David Hoffmeister, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and others. Those names should suggest that what we’re all about to focus our attention toward is not a view of any one particular religion or spiritual “method.” But instead taps into the one, universally understood, even if not consciously, ineffable and indescribable Truth of what we all are. Love. Not special love as we might think of it in our worldly day to day – where we love this, but not that. But True love. A love beyond physical understanding. Love that “sees” beyond the surface. This is an invitation to believe - even if only for 15 minutes - that if we all put the power of our Right One Mind on the same thoughts at the same time, we can absolutely shift what we experience in the physical world. This is a thought experiment to prove that Truth is far beyond what our five senses seem to tell us. If you’re willing to think along, let’s go.

Ready? Ok. Let’s begin (even though we’ve already begun). In case you’re not already situated in a comfortable position, please take the next 30 seconds or so to prepare your space, and make your body comfortable. You can do this either lying down, or sitting. No need for any kind of rigid lotus position or overly straight spine. Just get cozy and comfortable, so that you can give this contemplation 100% of your focus. Or as close to that as possible. So that, together, we can unite in Mind and go beyond what seems to be our shared physical experience of this apparently divided world.

Close your eyes. Know that you are completely safe. Know that every need you have is provided.

Right now, you are beginning to tap into an indescribable entity that each and every single one of us shares. Think of it as our One Collective Mind. Our One Mind does not live in any one of our seemingly separate “brains.” Our One Mind is beyond all seeming form and apparent matter. Each of us has the ability to pay attention to it. Even if we don’t know it. By merely setting our collective attention, right now, together, on unifying and tying into it. No matter how you think it goes, know that it is done.

Continue to simply relax now. Allow the spirit of the words you are hearing to simply soak in. Try not to get hung up on the words themselves. If you’re feeling any reactivity or skepticism, if you’re questioning whether you understand, or how any of this “woo woo” could be “real,” just notice that. It’s OK. You’re here, and the Mind is already grateful. Any of those such concerns are, in fact, what could be called “of the other mind.” The mind that each of us listens to most of - if not all of - the time. Just acknowledge it if you’re experiencing distraction, and let it go. Come back to what we just talked about. Think to yourself, literally “I am One Mind.” Sit with that for the next thirty seconds. If sounds or other distractions take your attention elsewhere, that’s absolutely fine. Make adjustments to your space if you need. Otherwise simply let it go and come back to One Mindedness.

Good. Right now, as you listen to these words, the entire world full of seemingly separate individuals is tapping into the same exact space. Beyond consciousness. The capital-m Mind. And as we do this, I want you to now consider the following:

From our one true Mind, we are Love. One Love. Completely unconditional. Totally without judgment of what the senses tell us is “true.” I want you to send all of your attention, all of your thought, into this collective space that is absolutely indescribable, but more real than anything else we think is real.

And now, I want us to all imagine someone we know who we don’t agree with. It can be someone you know intimately. Or a public figure. Or it could be someone you don’t know at all. That driver who seemingly cut you off in traffic. Or someone from the past. Anyone you can think of who has seemingly upset you at any time or in any way, big or small. Now, as the image of this other comes to mind, notice if you’re feeling less peaceful. If you are, that’s OK. Just notice that, and stay with me. If you’re triggered or distracted, for right now, do your best to hold their image with respect, peace, objectivity and curiosity.

Outstanding. Now I want you to imagine - just imagine as a little experiment here together - that whatever it is that you have thought about this person in the past, whatever they may have apparently done to you, or to another, or not done, or not done to your liking, or to the world’s laws, I want you to simply imaginewhatever your grievance against them might be –that it simply never occurred. Even if your grievance with this other has to do with literally years worth of perceived wrong-doings, do your best to group all of those behaviors together into one, and simply imagine that this ‘other’ never did any of that. That it never occurred. I realize this may be difficult for some of you to do. But please just do your best and use your imagination to hold them in your right one Mind as if they simply never did anything wrong. Ever.

Thank you. You’re doing great. And even if you’re encountering resistance to this exercise, you’re here. And that’s everything.

Now let’s go a step further. Ask yourself this: If this person never did anything that went against your desires, expectations, needs, preferences - would they not be innocent? Again, just imagine for a moment this other you have pictured in your mind as completely and totally innocent of any and all wrong. They never did any of it. If that were the case, they would be innocent. Feel that. Let that image of them spread through the mind now. Let it bring you a feeling of peace. Even if just imagined. Let yourself relax, and smile, and drop all grievance.

Now imagine this Innocence we’re imagining here, together, today, imagine it is what each one of us Truly Is. Imagine total innocence as “what” we really are. Think of absolute and pure Innocence as what we are when we let go of all the apparent worldly behaviors and seeming wrong-doings. An “essence” beyond everything that appears to be real in form. Remember. You’re here right now, uniting with billions around the planet in this thought experiment. We’re not asking you to change your beliefs. We’re asking to imagine and envision what it would be like if what we really are is one shared innocent spirit of Love. One total, perfect, pure, eternal, invulnerable and unconditional Love Mind.

Again, if you’re upset or skeptical, remember that I’m asking you to simply use your imagination here. Imagine beyond the perceived bodies that each of us seem to be, that what we really are is an eternal faction of an indescribable well of intangible Love.

And should you be able to play along with this experiment, for the next little while here together today, this is where I want you to stay. Here together in that imagined place that’s not really a place. Where each and every facet of what we are, is completely innocent – and nothing but. While you do this, simply enjoy and appreciate any feeling of inner relaxation or peace that you may be experiencing. And know that you are doing each and every one of our fellow brothers and sisters and animals and plants a service that goes far beyond the scope of our limited worldly experience.

For the rest of your day - or night - let any peace or calm feelings of love or appreciation for yourself, or another, continue to be experienced. As that feeling fades, do not fret for a second that it’s really gone. Its work is done. Our collective Love that we are is emboldened. While that One Love beyond all worldly understanding can never be diminished, it can be extended.

And that? That is what we’ve all been a part of allowing it to do. Just now.

As we come back to our worldly lives and concerns after this Global SynchUp, if at any time you remember what was spoken of here today, that’s fantastic. If you’re wondering whether we actually “change” “the world,” know that those are thoughts from the other individual egoic mind, and just let them pass. Come back to Trust. Come back to Truth. Come back to the memory of what we just did. And relax. And Love - as much as you can - whatever is in front of you, knowing that what it really is, is Love too.

Thank you for being part of this. You have done more good than you may ever know.