Here at IFA it is incredibly important that we always behave with awareness as to when we’re being judgmental. And to at least admit when we have an idea or share a notion that would vilify another entity. So let’s just say that - with this idea - our hackles are way up. Because the fact is, we are hard pressed to find another facet of senseless animal exploitation quite as cruel and insane as the dairy industry. It is our sincere hope that all human animals on this incredible planet become aware of what the dairy industry is really all about. Like we said, we don’t want to be like so many activism entities that only continue to foster what they rally against by way of resistance/persistance laws. But we also do not wish to be anything other than honest. It was just 10 years ago that I myself learned what it really takes for cows to produce milk. Let alone at the global consumption scales. Before that? I didn’t even think about it! If that’s the case for me (someone who was even vegetarian at that time), I can only imagine it’s the same for many - if not most. That said, once we do learn what this industry requires – of the cows, of the baby cows separated from their mothers within hours of birth, of the veal industry, the leather industry, the “mother cow shelf life,” the horrific impacts to human health, the radical amount of water required, the suffering and filth and all of it – it is our sincere and passionate wish that we may all see things such as “world milk day” and “world dairy month” (all of June) for what they actually are. Simple, profit-based industry propaganda measures. Designed to obscure facts, continue fallacy and protect financial interests with zero responsibility to these incredible animals, the planet’s current state of emergency, or the health effects to species not intended to drink food for baby cows. Aren’t we all a LOT smarter than this now? Yes we are! And we can choose to wake up to this twisted game and turn their efforts to remind us “how amazing milk is for the world!” into a giant cultural backfire – where we actually discover the truth about this vile and horrific “industry” – and vow to eliminate dairy entirely from our individual consumption programs by this time next year (2024). And if we do? We also eliminate almost all of our apparent “allergies” “skin problems” and “digestion issues.” Yes, REALLY. And NO, conventional medicine doesn’t tell you any of this because, you guessed it, most do not know. And the ones who do know are more or less paid to not talk about it. Trust us. It’s our job to know. The dairy industry is multiple facets of pure evil. Please. Learn more. As you research, be aware that this industry invests millions to obscure facts and pays many entities to refute evidence. But there are plenty of amazing resources from which to get your education.